Cancer Type: BLCA
Date: 2016-06-17 09:55:17
Number of samples:
Total mutations:
Driver mutations: (known: predicted: )
Biomarkers of the tumor:
Biomarkers in other tumors:

  The results of the analysis may take a while even if only few mutations are submitted. Please, check the examples to have an overview of the CGI results.

10:00:52 INFO: Running mutation analysis with OncodriveMUT
10:01:05 INFO: Processing the mutations input file
10:01:05 INFO: The detected format is gtf
10:01:05 WARNING: The ref and alt alleles will be complemented depending on the strand column content
10:01:05 INFO: Annotating the nucleotide mutations to protein coordinates per transcript
Running TransVar (38 seconds, 551631 microseconds ago)
10:01:44 WARNING: There are 1 mutations that can not be mapped to a certain gene transcript
10:01:44 INFO: Selecting one transcript per gene for annotation..
10:01:45 INFO: Retrieving CADD scores
Running CADD (2 minutes, 30 seconds ago)
10:04:19 INFO: Matching with several metadata files
10:04:21 INFO: Running the driver prediction
10:04:21 INFO: Considering as sample specific the 158 driver genes of tumors: BLTC,BLCA
10:04:22 INFO: File created with 64 entries: driver_prediction_mutations.tsv
10:04:22 INFO: Arranging the output
10:04:22 WARNING: There are 1 input mutations that have been not processed due to format/mapping problems
10:04:22 INFO: File created with 62 entries: mutation_analysis.tsv
10:04:22 INFO: Summary of the results created summary.tsv
10:04:22 INFO: Alteration analysis finished
10:04:22 INFO: Running CNA
10:04:23 INFO: Processing the Copy Number Alterations input file
10:04:23 INFO: The detected format is free
10:04:23 INFO: Matching with the CNA drivers database
10:04:23 INFO: Formating the output
10:04:23 INFO: Alteration analysis finished
10:04:23 INFO: Running fusions
10:04:23 INFO: Processing the Fusions input file
10:04:23 INFO: Matching with the FUS drivers database
10:04:24 INFO: Formating the output
10:04:24 INFO: Alteration analysis finished
10:04:24 INFO: Running drug prescription
10:04:29 INFO: TCGI prescription version 1.0.0
10:04:29 INFO: Biomarkers v1.0 build 20160615
10:04:30 INFO: Bioactivities v1.0 build 20160527
10:04:30 INFO: Cancer types v1.0 build 20160610
10:04:30 INFO: Loading biomarkers
10:04:30 INFO: Loading bioactivities
10:04:30 INFO: Loading alterations
10:04:30 INFO: Checking prescriptions
10:04:30 INFO: Write biomarkers results
10:04:30 INFO: Write bioactivities results
10:04:31 INFO: Prescription finished
10:04:31 INFO: Compress results